Pioneering sustainability since 1964
Seda has been making and innovating paper packaging ever since we were established. Even at the height of plastic’s popularity, we remained fully committed to using paper as an environmentally sound choice that is renewable, biodegradable, compostable and above all recyclable up to 25 times, while offering superior tactile, structural, hygiene and food safety properties.
What’s more, we’ve always engaged in research and innovation that take product design beyond usability and functional performance to consider the entire product life cycle from source to manufacture and end of life, doing so before anyone even coined the expressions "ecodesign" or “circular economy”.
Following the science with substantial research investments over the decades, we have become increasingly focused both on the sustainability of our own products and on the crucial role of sustainable growth for our planet and societies. Today, sustainability is a Seda core commitment, addressing not only our own products and production, but also the actions of consumers, legislators, service and infrastructure providers and their partners worldwide, actively supporting them towards the environmental and economic sustainability on which all our futures depend.
In these priorities, Seda has always had people at heart. The people who use our products and the people who create and make them, assisting each to live and give their best while supporting their communities.
This is expressed in our Mission & Values, Code of Ethics and assumption of concrete responsibilities, commitments and objectives that translate into proud achievements regarding all three pillars of sustainability: Planet, People and the Economy.
Our certifications
One world with no time to lose
We are fully committed to achieving an increasingly strong net positive climate effect through our policies and choices regarding Raw Materials & Responsible Sourcing, Energy, Water, Waste and the Circular Economy.
People make our world go round and our world revolves around them
Our products meet, exceed and anticipate people’s needs. We set the highest standards for hygiene and food safety in our product design and manufacture, protecting the health and safety of our societies. We uphold and promote respect for human rights throughout our value chain, while supporting our local communities.
Impact of Operations
As a global leader with operations in many countries around the world, Seda not only has a strong positive impact on the local economies, but also directly supports the economies of several substantial customer sectors across the world through its products.

The benefits of single-use paper packaging
Life Cycle Assessment study by the independent Ramboll Group
(Published April 2021 - Updated September 2021)Report by Dr David A McDowell, University of Ulster, member of UK Food Standards Agency
(Published March 2021)